Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Men and Women in Society

The roles of men and women in society and family have been defined for numerous years. It has been assumed without any opposition that men should provide financially while women should provide emotionally. This recurring cycle of family life and marriage has continued until now, a time where gender lines have become blurred. Though there is nothing wrong with a woman climbing the executive ladder and a man becoming the stay at home daddy, I do disagree with someone who says, “I mean, ladies, honestly, what do we need men for anymore? Where does man fit?” (The Exception, 3) The Exception continues to discuss that women have essentially become entirely independent of men through every aspect of life: financially, emotionally and filially. In a nutshell, she says that men have become obsolete. According to The Exception, the only reason to even keep men around would be because, “some of us don’t mind the physical attributes either.” (The Exception, 4) Evidently, I as a man should take this all in stride and see it as an opportunity to expand myself as a person. I’m supposed to be happy with a world where I don’t even exist.

It is common knowledge that men play an integral part in society; to say any different would be absurd. As The Exception says, “They [men] no longer are asked to be the primary bread winners,” (The Exception, 5) but there is plenty else that men do on an every day basis. We happen to provide numerous intangibles like: stability, security and love. A world filled with just women would lack all of the subtleties men bring to the table just as a world of men would lack the nuisances of women. Both sexes are necessary for the world to go round; they fit together to complete the puzzle.

Maybe I’m wrong and women don’t want men and all our glory in their lives. If this is the case then by all means the men of the world should be informed of our former duties being removed. Men should be jumping at the offer The Exception has put forward and “redefine themselves, their role in the family, and their place in society.” (The Exception, 6) Men don’t have to be the workhorses of the world any more so why continue down that path? I say we should take up new hobbies, try new things, be more outgoing. Who knows, maybe a new habits of dusting and vacuuming will brighten our days, put a smile on our faces and maybe, just maybe even help us find God. Clearly, millions of men have been getting it wrong all these years.

In all seriousness, why should something that is working perfectly fine be changed? The reason men and women have these roles is because they’re good at them. It’s been instilled, engraved, programmed into our minds that the boy works and girl stays home. I’m not telling people to give up on their goals but really how is Bob the coal miner going to help his ballerina of a daughter by becoming an apron wearing, stay-at-home dad?

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