Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Web Quest from Slade

After reading the blog about immigration in to the United States as well as the other sources that Slade has posted, I have to disagree with what the author is saying. I can not see how Hispanic immigration isn't muddying American identity. I'm fully aware that America was built almost entirely on immigrants from all over the world but I feel that current immigration from Mexico is entirely different. Sure, the immigrants goals now and then are the same, to get a job and make money, but the attitudes of the Mexican immigrants seem to be completely different than those who came over in the early 1900s. 

In John's blog, he references to his job as a waiter and his experience with the Mexican bus boys whom he works with. I agree with him when he says that they are probably some of the hardest working people he's ever met. I have absolutely no problem with them. All they do is go about their jobs and try and make money for their families. Completely fine by me. My issue is with the people who seem to ignore American laws. Peter K commented on the blog saying, "One fact that stands out is, Mexicans by the millions are disobeying our laws, dishonoring our borders, saying screw American laws, I need a job." The people who illegally come over to continue the drug trade from Mexico are probably the biggest problem right now. Ask anyone and they will most likely know about the on going drug war in Mexico. Why American government would even consider involving themselves is absurd. 

The Science Blog made a point that Mexican immigrants assimilate perfectly into American society and culture within three generations. They can't be serious. I feel that it is as if Mexican immigrants don't even try to go along with American culture. It's impossible for me to go to any fast food restaurant within 100 miles and not have repeat my order more than once. They don't care about anyone else except themselves as long as they get paid. They couldn't care less if they are considered to be Americans. They see America as a land of opportunity for change, a new life with some more money. Unfortunately, most Mexican immigrants will hit the ground running then die off and coast along rather quickly. It's at this point that contrary to the Science Blog, they change the face of America. If my opinion isn't convincing enough then take a look around. Most signs, instructions, directions etc. are in English and Spanish now. That should be enough of a wake up call. 

The border between Mexico and the US mine as well not exist. The United States' boundaries and borders are slowly creeping in on us. It's a fact of life. America was built on the millions of immigrants from numerous nations across world. From them, America was built into the country it is today. Mexico was built on its own people who are now leaving it in a pretty messy state in search of hope. The only problem is that they carry their baggage from Mexico with them. That's something everyone can agree on.